You are receiving Jane Friedman’s self-study class, How to Earn a Living as a Writer. New lessons release every Friday through April 18, 2025. Browse the archive. Week 17: Status anxiety can torpedo your businessA couple years into my career, I had an email exchange with a high school classmate who also had a book publishing job in a Midwestern city. As the only ones from our class in the publishing business, I was eager to compare notes. I have never recognized taboos around money, so I came right out and told her my salary, then asked if she would share hers. She did—and she earned significantly more. I didn’t feel embarrassed or angry; I felt armed with better information about my value. Among writers especially, taboos have long existed around discussion of money and sales. Some writers in fact take offense if they are asked about sales figures or how much they earn. Shame and anxiety can be associated with low earnings, yet most writers are in a similar boat and would benefit from comparing notes often. Unfortunately, status anxiety leads people to engage in behaviors that can be bad for business. What is status anxiety? The constant worry people have about their position in society and the fear of being judged unsuccessful. This fear is especially pernicious in Western countries, where success is ostensibly available to all. Therefore if we fail, it is our own fault. Status anxiety leads to problems like these:
As humans, we can’t exactly escape status anxiety; it is hardwired into our condition. But you can train yourself to recognize it and stop it from sabotaging your business. ExerciseStatus anxiety isn’t strictly about money, of course. It’s also about awards won, who’s reviewing who, who’s getting certain speaking engagements or event invitations, etc. For writers, this comparison trap lies in wait for us particularly on social media and at writing conferences and events. Alain de Botton, in his book Status Anxiety, suggests several ways to redirect this energy and attention, including:
Questions I would consider answering for yourself:
Explore furtherOf all the antidotes out there for status anxiety, I can think of nothing better than Alan Watts lectures. He argues we treat success and status as deeply serious matters because we’ve forgotten that social hierarchies are essentially a game we’ve all agreed to play. Anxiety comes from taking this game too seriously. Does someone you know need this series?Here is the sign-up page. All new subscribers receive a link to the archive so they can catch up on lessons they missed.
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Electric Speed is a free newsletter that shares resources for creative people (since 2009!), brought to you by Jane Friedman. | View in browser | Sign up here A note from Jane Recently I read an article about why friend breakups hurt so much. In a nutshell: They are a kind of unrecognized grief. That article has been on my mind after a sort-of-similar breakup: My husband and I left our personal trainer of three years to join another gym. It’s not a change we planned on. We weren’t looking for...
You are receiving Jane Friedman’s self-study class, How to Earn a Living as a Writer. New lessons release every Friday through April 18, 2025. Browse the archive. Book launch in Cincinnati on Tuesday, April 8: If you’re in the neighborhood, I’d love for you to join me at the Mercantile Library in downtown Cincinnati for my book launch event. I’ll be in conversation with local author Jana Riess about the publishing industry. All are welcome, but free registration is required. Week 22: There...
You are receiving Jane Friedman’s self-study class, How to Earn a Living as a Writer. New lessons release every Friday through April 18, 2025. Browse the archive. Book launch in Cincinnati on Tuesday, April 8: If you’re in the neighborhood, I’d love for you to join me at the Mercantile Library in downtown Cincinnati for my book launch event. I’ll be in conversation with local author Jana Riess about the publishing industry. All are welcome, but free registration is required. Week 21: The...